Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Signature Series Guide (PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC)

€ 9,99

€ 9,99
42 dagen
15 keer
18 jaar actief op Marktnet
AM3RICA, 3NGLAND, FRANC3, G3RMANY. The conflict is going global in Call of Duty: MW3.

The spectacular Call of Duty returns in an epic single-player campaign that takes you across the globe battling the Russian Federation for control. The Modern Warfare 3 Signature Series Guide will lead you through this global campaign. Packed with detailed maps for all single and multiplayer levels, plus lists of achievements and trophies, unlockable weapons and novel play modes.

Gripping artwork and riveting background content makes this BradyGames guide a must-have collectible for any Call of Duty fan. As the 3rd instalment in the Modern Warfare series, this is certainly worth the wait.

'It doesn't take the most powerful nations on Earth to create the most global conflict. Just the will of a single man.' - Call of Duty: MW3

Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Brady Games (8 Nov 2011)
Language: English

Platform: Strategy Guides

Merk: Brady Games

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