Stripboeken - Comics

1.192 advertenties gevonden
Girls' Crystal (also known as The Crystal, Girls' Crystal Weekly and Girls' Crystal and School Girl at various points) was a British weekly fictional anthology publication aimed at girls. It had the usual mix of girl's stories of adventure, mystery, boarding school drama and stories based on strong female characters. Auteur: - Jaartal: 1973 Druk: - Uitgever: IPC Magazines ltd. / Fleetway Publications Aantal Pagina's: 159 ISBN Nummer: 85037-059-0 Conditie: redelijk goede staat Redelijk goede staa ...
€ 4,50Uden
Annual series for the weekly Tiger comic, contained a large number of sport strips. The most famous of these was "Roy of the Rovers", which debuted in the first issue and was the comic's most popular feature, eventually transferring to its own comic in 1975. A total of 31 annuals were published between 1956 and 1986. Auteur: - Jaartal: 1969 Druk: - Uitgever: IPC Magazines ltd. / Fleetway Publications Aantal Pagina's: 159 ISBN Nummer: 900376-49-X Conditie: goede staat Goede staat: - Boek is gelez ...
Smash! was a weekly British comic book, published initially by Odhams Press. Ten Smash! Annuals were published in hardback, beginning with the 1967 Annual (published in 1966). These appeared every autumn. Even after the magazine's absorption by Valiant, the Smash! annual, published mainly under the Fleetway imprint continued to appear every year. The final annual, cover-dated 1976, was published in the autumn of 1975 and this is the softcover version. Auteur: - Jaartal: 1973 Druk: - Uitgever: IP ...
It's action and Thrills - all the way! Annual series for the weekly Tiger comic, contained a large number of sport strips. The most famous of these was "Roy of the Rovers", which debuted in the first issue and was the comic's most popular feature, eventually transferring to its own comic in 1975. A total of 31 annuals were published between 1956 and 1986. Auteur: - Jaartal: 1975 Druk: - Uitgever: IPC Magazines ltd. / Fleetway Publications Aantal Pagina's: 143 ISBN Nummer: - Conditie: redelijk go ...
Playhour was a British children's comics magazine and contained a mixture of original tales for young children and adaptations of well-known fairy tales (drawn by Nadir Quinto, Ron Embleton, Jesus Blasco and others). Auteur: - Jaartal: 1973 Druk: - Uitgever: IPC Magazines ltd. / Fleetway Publications Aantal Pagina's: 95 ISBN Nummer: 85037-073-6 Conditie: redelijk goede staat Redelijk goede staat : - Boek verkeert in goede gelezen conditie, geen missende pagina's of serieuze beschadigingen - Boek ...
€ 4,50Uden
Smash! was a weekly British comic book, published initially by Odhams Press. Ten Smash! Annuals were published in hardback, beginning with the 1967 Annual (published in 1966). These appeared every autumn. Even after the magazine's absorption by Valiant, the Smash! annual, published mainly under the Fleetway imprint continued to appear every year. The final annual, cover-dated 1976, was published in the autumn of 1975 and this is the softcover version. Auteur: - Jaartal: 1975 Druk: - Uitgever: IP ...
€ 4,50Uden
Whoopee! was a British comic that ran from (issues dates) 9 March 1974 to 30 March 1985, when it merged with Whizzer and Chips. This fantastic Whoopee! Annual 1976 includes Original Comic Strip stories, prose, articles, and word puzzles. Stories featuring all your favorite Whoopee! characters, like Ernie Learner, cleaver Dick and Dozy Mick, Hee Gee, stoker Ship's cat and more. Auteur: - Jaartal: 1975 Druk: - Uitgever: IPC Magazines ltd. / Fleetway Publications Aantal Pagina's: 143 ISBN Nummer: - ...
€ 5,95Uden
Ronnie hansen – - voetbalstripalbum – 1,75 per stuk,, tenzij anders vermeld - de grote beslissing 3 - de tegenvaller 5 - ronnie en de pablitos 8 – de grote beslissing 10 – de weddenschap het grote duel
De sensationele She-Hulk Rauw van 1-54 Het bevat de volgende nummers 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-17-18-19-21-22-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-41-42 - 43-44-45-46-48-49-54-55 Inclusief de sleutels nummers #39 en nummer #34 john byrne Allen zijn in goede tot zeer goede staat. Zij gaan met de Backing Board mee om hun status zo goed mogelijk te behouden. sommige gaan dubbel met 2 strips in elke zak voor en achter
Batman #180 1e verschijning van DEAD MAN ZEER GOEDE STAAT
All in English. Fraai lot met een complete reeks - Strangers in Paradise Vol.3 #1-80 Het geheel is in perfecte staat. Totaal 80 uitgaven. Let goed op de foto's, deze maken deel uit van de beschrijving. Het lot wordt aangetekend / verzekerd verzonden. U kunt het item ook afhalen in onze stripwinkel in 's Gravendeel. Pas op elkaar en blijf gezond! Fijne veiling Stripwinkel Barabas
Action Comics # 233 October 1957 10 Cent Coverprice Grade 4.0 Very Good # 236 January 1958 10 Cent Coverprice Grade 4.0 Very Good Story by Jerry Coleman & Otto Binder Art by Wayne Boring, Stan Kaye, Howard Sherman & Jim Mooney Please see photos, as they are part of the description. Our comics will be shipped very well protected Combined postage and shipping-fees: Shipping and postage fees will only be charged once. Additional winnings will ship for free after the first won lot.
Kavel bestaande uit 76 albums (46 paperback albums) DC-strips 1991/2000 De foto's zijn een integraal onderdeel van de beschrijving Zeer goede staat, enkele kleine planksporen.
gelijkstroom versus Vampires: All Out War#1 UITVERKOCHT en nog maar 2 over! "1:25 STOKOE RATIO Variant" Ondertekend door de maker van het verhaal: - Matthew Rosenberg is een Amerikaanse schrijver van stripboeken, waaronder We Can Never Go Home, 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank en 12 Reasons To Die voor Black Mask Studios, Punisher, New Mutants, Phoenix Resurrection, Tales of Suspense, Kingpin, Rocket Raccoon , Secret Warriors en Edge of Venomverse voor Marvel, en Archie Meets Ramones en The Archies voor ...
Guest appearances:Punisher, X-men, Black Panther Deathlok Special 1-4 -> 1991 Deathlok 1-34 + Annual 1 & 2 -> 1991-1994 Deathlok 1-5 -> 1999-2000 Some highlights: Deathlok Special 1-4 -> 1991 Guest appearances:Nick Fury, Sunfire Deathlok 1-34 + Annual 1 & 2 -> 1991-1994 1: Silver ink cover 2: Forge, Misty Knight, Ultron, Jocasta, Machine Man 3: Misty Knight, Mr. Fantastic, Forge, Machine Man 5: Fantastic Four (Mr Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, The Thing) , X-Men (Storm, Forge, Wolverin ...
Inbegrepen in deze veiling zijn twee volledige series en één one-shot, uitgegeven door Dark Horse tussen 1992 en 1995: Klassieke Star Wars 1 - 20 (1992-1994) #8 en #20 zitten nog in de originele seal inclusief trading card. Klassieke Star Wars: de vroege avonturen 1 - 9 (1994-1995) #3 is nog gesealed, inclusief ruilkaart. Klassieke Star Wars: de Vandelhelm-missie (1995) Een schot Alle strips zijn nieuw en ongelezen! Bekijk de foto's goed, deze maken deel uit van de beschrijving! Gecombineerde ve ...
Detectivestrips #340 #373 #375 #391 #373 -2e optreden van Mr. Freeze (Victor Fries) Compleet - in zakken gedaan en ingescheept
Omnibus met stofomslag. Voor inhoud zie 4e foto. Klein scheurtje stofomslag achterkant (zie laatste 2 foto's). Dit kavel wordt goed verpakt verzonden. Afhalen is mogelijk in Amsterdam.
Invincible Iron Man # 9 Story by Brian Michael Bendis. Art by Mike Deodato Jr. Grade: 8.0 Very Fine Please see photos, as they are part of the description. Our comics will be shipped very well protected Combined postage and shipping-fees: Shipping and postage fees will only be charged once. Additional winnings will ship for free after the first won lot.