Child in an ancient city - Tad Williams, Nina Kiriki Hoffman

€ 4

€ 4
3 maanden+
28 keer
7 jaar actief op Marktnet

Hardcover gebonden zonder stofomslag, uitgave 1992, 80 blz. met een paar zwart/wit tekeningen. Engelstalig. Wit streepje op kaft; verder in goede en nette staat. Verzendkosten (3,65 euro) zijn voor de koper. [B1]

An Arabian Nights flavor adds a twist to this supernatural tale. After a hearty meal, Masrur settles back with his friends to share stories. He tells a tale of how his caravan was once attacked by bandits, leaving the survivors to find their way home from the north lands. Suddenly, one night, someone--or something--begins killing off their men. A young boy who is familiar with the territory tells them they've been attacked by a vampyr. Sure enough, they begin to notice a shadowy figure lurking near their campsite in the evening. At a loss to stop the murders, the travelers decide to put an old folk legend to the test. If they can entertain the vampyr all night with their tales, they can prevent him from killing one of them. The legend is true, it turns out; too true, for the beast challenges them to a storytelling contest. If they win, they can pass through the north lands unheeded. But if he wins, they become his lunch. This story avoids the stereotypes of Transylvania, only to reiterate cliches of the Middle East. The tale drags its feet in introducing the protagonist--the vampyr--and the development of its character seems almost an afterthought. Also, the stories told are mundane, and don't come close to being as memorable as the tales of Scheherazade.

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