The House of Niccolo: Caprice and Rondo - Dorothy Dunnett

€ 5

€ 5
3 maanden+
17 keer
7 jaar actief op Marktnet

Paperback, uitgave 1998, 559 blz. Engelstalig. Vouwspoortjes in de rug; boekblok zeer licht verkleurd; verder in goede staat. Boek past niet door de brievenbus. Verzendkosten (€ 6,45 bezorging thuis OF € 5,45 ophalen DHL-punt ) zijn voor de koper [D5]

With the bravura storytelling and pungent authenticity of detail she brought to her acclaimed Lymond Chronicles, Dorothy Dunnett, grande dame of the historical novel, presents The House of Niccolò series. The time is the 15th century, when intrepid merchants became the new knighthood of Europe. Among them, none is bolder or more cunning than Nicholas vander Poele of Bruges, the good-natured dyer's apprentice who schemes and swashbuckles his way to the helm of a mercantile empire.January 1474 in ice-bound Danzig, and Nicholas de Fleury is entertaining himself, as well as considering various offers for his lethal skills. From subtle, ambitious Venice; from a pirate he once knew; from the great Persian prince Uzum Hasan; from his former companion Julius and his superb wife Anna. Even from Ludovico da Bologna, Patriarch of Antioch, who will use any tool against the Turk - including a brillian erstwhile banker cast out by his frinds and colleagues after the unforgivable ruin he wreaked in Scotland.Bus as he threads his dangerous path through political minefields, war-torn Crimea and wild Russian steppes, Nicholas has more private concerns. The attentions of his vengeful family. A putative cache of gold. Above all, the fear that he may have left unprotected everyone he most loves.Shimmering with detail, alive with intrigue, Caprice and Rondo is Dorothy Dunnett's quicksilver evocation of a world where joy is fleeting, love is unexpected, and truth the rarest commodity of all.

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