World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Guide

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Don't get lost in the Mists of Pandaria with BradyGames

World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Signature Series Guide takes you on the unforgettable journey through the newest continent in the World of Warcraft universe. From the beginner-friendly introduction, assisting new players on their way to greatness; to maps of each part of Pandaria, every gamer will be fully prepared.

You will find extensive information on every one of the 11 classes and 13 races in the game, including brand new character class, the Monk, and playable race, Pandaren. World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Signature Series Guide fully prepares you for battle with tips and tricks on player-versus-player fights and world dungeons, as well as how to navigate new gameplay, including Pet Battles, Scenarios and Challenge Mode. You will also learn about updates made to guilds and achievements, so you won't miss a thing in the Mists of Pandaria.

Going to level 90 for the first time, World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Signature Series Guide will help you do it in style,

Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Brady Games (25 Sep 2012)
Language: English

Platform: Strategy Guides

Merk: Brady Games

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