DYU V1 Electric Moped Bike 12 inch 36V 10Ah Battery up to 50-60KM Mileage Max 25km/h 240W Motor 3 levels of pedal assist Double Disc Brake - Black
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Excellent Quality
Aluminum alloy, excellent quality, and high performance for max 120kg load.
12 Inch Wheels
Featuring highly durable and wear-resistant and explosion-proof vacuum thickened tires. The S2 is suitable for various road conditions durable and non-slip.
Rear Suspension
In addition to the wide comfortable seat the V1 features Dual Suspension for extra smooth riding. With the rear suspension and front shock absorbers it will easily ride over bumps or uneven road surfaces.
Bright LED Lights
The V1 is equipped with front and rear LED lights. The rear light is integrated into the bike frame with cylindrical light design that creates bright light for riding at night.
Front Shock Absorbers
Don’t think that the V1 is the best budget electric bike and you think it’s unreliable. On the contrary, all the parts it is equipped with are advanced. It has dual spring shock absorbers to reduce the bumps when riding.
Solid V-Frame
Although V1 is a cheap electric bicycle compared to other electric bicycle vendors, we pursue its ultimate and perfection! Its design is the most unique and simple, so buy it as your best budget electric bike!
LCD Display
The V1 Smart Electric Bike is fitted with a LCD screen to see battery charge display.
Solid V-Frame
Although V1 is a cheap electric bicycle compared to other electric bicycle vendors, we pursue its ultimate and perfection! Its design is the most unique and simple, so buy it as your best budget electric bike!
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