Tweedehands Canon Speedlite 430 EX CM9933

€ 89

€ 89
3 maanden+
8 keer
7 jaar actief op Marktnet

An external flash such as the Canon Speedlite 430EX Flash are one of the most popular accessories among Digital SLR (and film SLR for that matter) owners.
Why? Why use an external flash? The answer may be obvious to owners of camera bodies without a built-in flash, but not so clear to those using bodies with a built-in flash. The built-in flash is great for fill flash to light the shaded areas (such as people's eyes) in a pictures. To use fill flash, set your exposure for the ambient light, then dial in -1 to -2 EV FEC (Flash Exposure Compensation). The built-in flash is also useful to add catchlights (sparkles) in a subject's eyes.
Because the light source is very small and is located very close to the imaging axis, using the built-in flash as a main light often results in a harshly-lit picture (often with red-eyed subjects). Items close to the flash are often overexposed, the background often becomes black, harsh shadows typically abound and subjects tend to become flat looking. I use direct-flash-as-main-light (typically in "M" mode) only as a last resort, much preferring to use a higher ISO, wider aperture, slower shutter speed, image stabilization, tripod ... But, sometimes there is no choice - it is simply too dark, the subjects are in action ... In this case, you simply must use the flash for the main light. But, this does not mean the flash must be fired directly toward the subject.

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