John Deere HPX815E-28512 Merk: John Deere Model: HPX815E-28512 Segment: Quad Bedrijfsuren: 83 Referentienummer: #28512 Serienummer: 1M0815EBEPM060222 001B - EUROPE 1011 - HIGH-PERFORMANCE ALL-PURPOSE 2001 - SEAT, BUCKET, BLACK, 18" 3003 - CARGO BOX WITH SPRAY IN LINE 3120 - CARGO BOX MANUAL LIFT WITH P 4006 - DELUXE CANOPY WITH 3-POINT S 57HBDM - GATOR HPX815E (MODEL YEAR 20 8005 - FRONT AND REAR WINDOWS; WIND 8023 - REAR RECEIVER HITCH FACTORY Ex verhuur machine Urenstand: 150 (let op: Urenstan ...