Very nice and honest ''Oorlogsherinneringskruis met mei Nederlands-Indie 1941/1942 gesp'' for participating in the campaign against the Japanese invasion forces in the Dutch Indies in 1941/1942! The medal has a great patina and is a nice old period example. A great medal, 100% original. The medal has a cloth backing with the name of the mounter Firma A Tack Breda.
See also our other interesting WW2 items, including Dutch May 1940, that we have on offer on catawiki!
History of the Oorlogsherinneringskruis and Dutch Indies 1941/1942 clasp
The War Memorial Cross was established in the Netherlands by Royal Decree no. 6 of March 16, 1944 and replaced the old Sign of Honor for Important Military Companies. The latter decoration was awarded for special campaigns, but the War Remembrance Cross was a much more general decoration for all who had served in the armed forces, merchant fleet, fishing fleet or civil aviation in the war against Germany, Japan and their allies.
The War Memorial Cross served as a reward for:
Military personnel in the service of the Kingdom of the Netherlands;
Dutch or Dutch subjects (residents of the Dutch East Indies were not Dutch), serving on board Dutch merchant or fishing vessels under Dutch or allied control;
Dutch nationals or Dutch nationals, forming part of air crews of Dutch civil aviation under Dutch or allied management.
They were to have shown good devotion to duty and good conduct in all respects and to have served in their duties for at least six months from 10 May 1940 to the end of the war. Those who were not eligible for the War Memorial Cross could apply for the Mobilization War Cross. In principle, one could not receive both awards.
A number of clasps were connected to the cross from the setting. In this too, the cross was an imitation of the old Badge of Honor for Important Military Companies. There were five clasps for "general military operations" and four clasps for "special military operations". The Dutch Indies 1941/1942 clasp was considered to be a special military operation.
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