Philip Norman ~ Shout. The true story of the Beatles


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Philip Norman's biography of the Beatles is the definitive work on the world's most influential band – a beautifully written account of their lives, their music and their times. Now brought completely up to date, this epic tale charts the rise of four scruffy Liverpool lads from their wild, often comical early days to the astonishing heights of Beatlemania, from the chaos of Apple and the collapse of hippy idealism to the band's acrimonious split. It also describes their struggle to escape the smothering Beatles legacy and the tragic deaths of John Lennon and George Harrison. Witty, insightful and moving, Shout! is essential reading not just for Beatles fans but for anyone with an interest in pop music.

'This stands as the first (and still the best) collision of Beatles history and literary depth. The chapter headings say it all: Wanting is succeeded by Getting, then Having - and then Wasting. Norman's particularly excellent in the bookends of the story: the Fabs' first manoeuvres in Liverpool and Hamburg, and the rise and fall of the Apple Empire - although just about
everything is rendered with beautiful prose and laser-like insight' Q

Auteur: Philip Norman
Jaartal: 2004
Druk: -
Uitgever: Pan Books - London
Aantal Pagina's: 495
ISBN Nummer: 978-0-330-48768-9
Conditie: goede staat

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