Translator Dutch - Russian, 0.04 euro/word

€ 0,04

€ 0,04
3 maanden+
84 keer
Andrei Popov
12 jaar actief op Marktnet

I'm a freelance translator of Dutch into Russian. I am a native speaker Russian, born in the USSR. Since 2004 I've translated Dutch texts into Russian for many different translation agencies, located in countries of former USSR and in Western Europe.
Translations Dutch – Russian is my only occupation for the last 6-7 years, something, that keeps me busy every day. My fields of translation experience include Business/Finance, Law, Articles of Association and other general areas. I also can translate for you the texts such as birth or marriage certificates, diplomas etc. from Russian into Dutch, or proofread your Russian texts in search for any sort of mistakes. I can also speak English (very good ) and German (not good enough to do the written translations). The knowledge of these two languages is a certain advantage, and is very useful for my work, but yet I do not provide translations in combinations with English and / or German.

Don’t forget, I am not a translation agency, I NEVER ask some subcontractors to do the translations that I have been given.

You will find all of my contact information below. I’m very often online, and I can give you an answer to any of your questions within a few minutes after you have sent an e-mail to my address: [email protected]
You also can easily contact me by sending an SMS or Viber message to my cell phone +375295892212. I’ll answer by sending an SMS or Viber message back to you.
My Skype: andreipopov2002

Russisch, Russian, Rusland, Russia, Wit-Rusland, Belarus, Rus, Vertaling Nederlands - Russisch

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